Armughan Memorial Welfare Society (NGO)
Sahara Be Saharon Ka (سہارا بے سہاروں کا)
Charity Efforts Are For Happiness
A decade ago, Armughan Memorial Welfare Society (AWS), a charitable and nonprofit organization embarked on its journey starting from a small camp established in a densely populated area of Landhi-Korangi, Karachi and now it spreads in Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab, and KPK.
Initially, it provides food and basic groceries to poor homies, and later on, its efforts resulted in setting up camps that provide immediate aid to the urgent calls and matters.
Also, it has been successful at establishing free medical camps which rescue and cater the abrupt needs. and also it is trying to establish hospital and dialysis centers to meet the hospitality of patients. to be a source of prevailing equality among mankind irrespective of the specified modern traits of age, class, religion, or ethnicities. (AWS) is a registered organization with a charity commission government of Pakistan. It’s wholly operating as independent charity welfare through the donations of both the members and the non-members. The accounts are always exposed for its donors for self-satisfactory audit inspections and we hope by your prayers we will further establish it.